Sunday, June 11, 2017

Boat Hull Optimisation Project:

Hello there!

Welcome to my first post on my new blog. I wanted to show off some work iv done while at University. A boat hull project where we had to design and optimise it as best as we can.  Below are some Solidworks screen shots of the design thus far.

BELOW: You can see the rear end of the hull. Due to it being power by an elastic band mechanism, a whole has been placed at the rear, along with a cylinder to house the band, albeit, a hook still needs to be applied band to be hooked onto.

Pic: Stefan Ruitenberg
Below: Here you can see the stern I've applied at the back. This is an important aspect, as this is what gives the boat it's forward momentum, as well as stability. And with the high torque of the elastic band this an important design consideration to have.

Pic: Stefan Ruitenberg
Below: Finally, you can see the underbody surfaces, of the channel hull design. This design foresees a smaller Cd figure, as well as being light, and simple to manufacture. A prototype was made from ABS, and made via 3D Printing, which I will show off soon.

Pic: Stefan Ruitenberg
I will pick this project up over the summer holidays. As boat hydrodynamics really interest me.

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