Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Formula Student Diffuser project:

Hello there!

I can't hide of been a little bored with being at home. So I have been filling my time with lots of maths and CAD work lately and trying to improve my abilities in both.

Below you can see a makeshift diffuser I've built in Solidworks. Iv applied a 16-degree angle of attack, which is not too far off what they have in LMP2 class at Le Mans.

As you can see, I've applied slats to the design, which is believed to control the low-pressure flow better, as it exits the car, thus reducing drag. So it will be good to see how this works.

Pic: Stefan Ruitenberg
My next step is to get some CFD on the design, then do a small paper on what I found out. I will make sure I publish my finding on here too.

Now, back to modelling.

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